Sunday, 29 July 2012

Heads Up

I love these pot heads from the Rookes Pottery in Hartington. I have collected them for years ... and replaced them whenever they got knocked off the wall by a swinging bag .....  I now need a new frog but I find the pottery has closed!  We will have to be more careful around them in future!

I got a bit carried away with the head theme and added a few more over the years.
These two Greenmen are made from moulds. 

The black cherub weighs a ton!

I bought two ugly tree men from Chough Studio Pottery near Hayle in Cornwall when I took some A Level Geography students on a field trip.....

.... and I got this happy pot from a herb farm in Yorkshire.

The pride of my collection is this American Indian head from California.  I put it outside with the others but decided it was too good for the garden and brought it inside!

I won't bore you with more of the collection!! You can look out for the others in future posts!


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, my eldest son came home a couple of weeks ago and knocked the frog off the wall by swinging his bag out of the car boot onto his shoulder. I did exactly the same thing with a fish and a dog's head a couple of years ago. Apparently the pottery has gone but the pots are still available so I will have to find a supplier. Visiting Hartington won't be the same!
