Monday 23 April 2012

Foliage Photos

Pond edge plants - all began as cuttings from my mum's garden

I met up with some old work colleagues recently.  I had a lovely time.  It was great to chat and catch up and even better to think I was no longer part of the 'Data & Deadlines' set!  Perhaps that is one of the reasons I am late posting my foliage photos! Yesterday was supposed to be Garden Bloggers' Foliage Day ... never mind!

Another small cutting that has now covered the Holly tree and lifted stones on the front path!

Yet another gift from mum - this is growing frighteningly fast at the minute.

Go to 'Creating My Own Garden of the Hesperides' for more GBFD shots.

A small Laurel shrub grows near the door.  I planted it when we moved here in 1993.  It has never flowered before.  It was a total surprise to find it covered in buds a few weeks ago.  It was a better surprise when these tiny flowers appeared.   


  1. Hi Pat, thank you for joining in GBFD this month. I love the contrast of forms of the plants in your first image. It's lovely to have so many plants that come from friends and family. Christina

    1. I agree - I love giving and receiving plants and a walk round the garden can bring loved ones to mind years later.
      Thank you for visiting.
