Wednesday 15 February 2012

Back in Business

My finger nails are grubby and I'm slightly stiff .... but I'm back in the garden.

Trays of Snapdragons; Sweetpeas; Delphiniums; Lupins; Marigolds and Coreopsis are in the greenhouse and I have a pot of Hostas on the kitchen windowsill. 
Raking dead leaves uncovered loads of tulip and daffodil shoots.  Inspecting the over-wintering pots was like meeting up with old friends! New buds are appearing and it is time to get back out there, tidy up and plan the next show.

A great deal of time and effort went into the garden last year and I was happy with the result.  It was a tidy, colourful but very average garden.  This year I want to dig it up and redesign the place.  At the moment we have lawns and borders.  I would like a winding path and masses of plants instead!  Tons of work, loads of planting ....exciting!! 


Woodlouse House is on an unadopted lane.  It is a mud track that gets rutted and puddled  in Winter so every Spring we have to patch it up. Water drains off it naturally as it borders a farmer's field.  Each year he comes down and trims the Hawthorn hedge and mows the grass verge but the rest of the year it is left to grow wild.  

 For the last few years I have been planting a few bulbs each Autumn and throwing a few seeds at the ground each Spring.  We now have daffodils and tulips; aquilega and poppies followed by hellebores and sedum but I know we can do better!  I have 30 lupin plants over wintering ready to make an appearance together with red and pink oriental poppies and a few foxgloves.  Hopefully they will look splendid and the bees and insects will approve.

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