While I was waiting for the first coat to dry I got out the tool box and bits of wood from an old fence. Now you may not believe this but I can assure you I have never had any woodwork lessons in my life ... mine was the last generation where girls did cooking and sewing and lads played with wood. Well. I measured the pieces; I sawed the pieces; I hammered the bits together; I realised too late that one piece was upside down and the door was too small so I had to pull it apart and start again ... but after a LOT of sweat and swearing I was the proud owner of .....
.... if you are still wondering it is a luxury hedgehog house! I am just glad I don't have to make a living from woodwork .... how anyone can saw in a straight line I do not know! Yes, it looks a mess but I had a lot of fun making it and Andy had a right laugh when it was finished! Anyway it doesn't matter because the hedgehog won't mind as long as the roof keeps her dry (which it will) and I took it up to the top of the lane (really need to think of a name for this place) and covered it in dead leaves so no-one can see what it looks like anyway!
So sorry about Isis♥