Front garden |
We have had quite a hectic few months .... a birth, a death and holidays .... so the garden has been left to rampage and it has! The borders are filled with things I don't remember planting ... and slugs .... thousands of slugs and snails ...... we have been invaded but not a hedgehog in sight. I can't bring myself to kill them so I throw them in the compost bin and close the lid. One day I will open it and the whole thing will be a huge slimy mass of writhing bodies! Horrible!
Opening to the back lawn 2016 |
This is the path onto the lawn. As you can see there is a flower border on the left and a very large honeysuckle climbing over a trellis on the right. The honeysuckle is astounding ... it was a tiny stick when it arrived from Thompson & Morgan (free with Gardeners' World Magazine) in early 2012. It has thrived ever since: the trellis collapsed under the weight earlier this year.
Here is the same place from June 2011. The trellis had not been added and the rose arch (towards the back of the lawn) had just arrived from the blacksmith.
Back lawn June 2011 |
The arch was the first change we made when I got into gardening.
You can hardly see it now as it is smothered in red roses and
Looking through the rose arch 2016 |
Well I decided I wanted another arch at the opening to the lawn. The old blacksmith has died so I couldn't get one to match. After a few weeks of searching I found a metal one I liked. B&Q promised to deliver in 14 days and I happily paid over the cash. A week later the supplier (not B&Q) phoned to arrange delivery. I waited in all day on the agreed date but they were a no show. I rang customer services to be told they were very sorry and it would arrive in the morning. I waited in again. The van did arrive this time but there was no arch on board! Another phone call elicited a promise it was now on the van and all would be sorted first thing in the morning. Another morning wasted! A third phone call to customer services ended when they informed me the arch was now out of stock so I would have to wait another week.
Obviously I was not impressed and asked for my money back. That would take 3 to 5 days .... which I found annoying: my payment had gone out immediately but their payment would take days! I have always had good service from B&Q but this time their supplier had let them down and the admin system caused a short delay ... okay. Unfortunately the money had still not been returned a week later so yet another call to customer services. "Oh" said the girl, "did you want the order cancelling and your money back? Sorry, that hasn't been authorised. I will get onto it straight away ... it will take 3 to 5 days!"
New rose arch 2016 |
As compensation for their poor service B&Q have given me a £25 voucher ... that will probably cover the cost of the phone calls!
I decided against a metal one once the money had been returned and I found this wooden one at half the price. Our local garden centre was selling it for £79.99. Andy kindly came to the rescue and put it together ... I helped but it was a two man job, especially moving it into place. The old stone trough had to be dug out and shifted to another part of the garden ... I couldn't have managed that without his help. I am really pleased with the result but the honeysuckle needs a proper cut back this autumn.
I will root a few cuttings because an old honeysuckle on the back fence has suffered an infection of some sort and I have had to cut it out.
Back lawn 2016 |
There's LOADS of work to be done. The place is in a terrible state! The weeks in America spent visiting our eldest son were brilliant so I really don't care that I fell behind with the garden! I looked round today then instead of sorting an obvious area I tidied up behind the greenhouse!
Before |
Yes, there was a path there! The edging now has rhubarb plants and gooseberry bushes (with a couple of flowering plants). Now the allotment has gone I had to find a fruit patch so it made sense to put it near the strawberries.
After |
The fruit has been great so far this year. The apple tree is laden and the raspberries have made a wonderful breakfast smoothie blended with Greek yohurt and honey ... even better with a few strawberries added and poured over vanilla ice cream.
Before the honeysuckle took over ... May 2012 |