I started to bring the geraniums into the greenhouse, collect the seeds pods and take cuttings. I left those with flowers/buds outside and I didn't take any out of the baskets. It's not that cold yet but there are a lot to bring in. I didn't plant any in the borders this year so I won't be running round the garden late at night in my PJs because the weatherman has issued a warning. Annoyingly I didn't label a beautiful bright pink specimen whilst it was flowering; I was particularly keen to propagate that one.
The Garden Centre was selling large potted Geraniums for just £1 last week. I have loads of the damn things but I couldn't resist at that price so I chose a couple with variegated leaves and lots of shoots so I now have ten small plants for my pound!

I've been collecting seeds for weeks. Delphiniums are one of my favourite flowers so I planted up 3 trays. There are still some seeds left for next Spring if these don't take. Some will add to the garden borders but the rest are for the allotment cutting patch. I grew a couple of trays last year so there are three groups in the garden already and the rest went to the neighbours. I didn't have enough for vases.
Allotment Cutting Patch 2014 |
This year we grew Crocosmia (from free bulbs scavenged from the tip), Lavender (48 free plants from
Garden's World), Aquilegia, Hollyhocks, Achillea and Lupins (all from seeds from the garden); Irises (from friends) and Peony Roses (from Mum's garden) so it didn't cost us anything. We did spend quite a bit on the rose bed but I didn't begrudge it when I was picking fresh roses every week (and I've taken cuttings for growing in the garden!).
Heron's Bill |
Erodium Pelargoniflorum or Heron's Bill was a cheap packet of seeds from Thompson & Morgan. Apparently it makes excellent ground cover and smells nice. I sowed it today so I'll let you know if it lives up to expectations.
I also sowed some Rhubarb, Scabious, Astilbe, Verbena, Sweet Peas and Achillea from my garden seeds. I threw some Aquilegia, Cornflowers, Calendula around the borders between rain showers then went back to the greenhouse to sow some
Cantananche Caerulea Bicolour - another Thompson and Morgan packet.
Cantananche |
Before I planted my Lilies in pots this year I pulled a few of the scales off and put them in a pot of moist compost wrapped in a black plastic bag. My Carol Klein book said this was the way to grow more bulbs. Well she was right ... as if I could have ever doubted her!! I checked them today and I have lots of leaves showing. They won't flower for a few years but it was thrilling anyway.
I planted a few seeds from my Amaryllis and they have sprouted too so today I decided to plant some Tulip seeds. Why not? Its only the cost of a pot and a bit of earth.
Astilbe |
My Carnation, Rose and Lavender cuttings have
all taken and I have potted on some Honeysuckle and Fuchsia.
Been a busy day! We were awake at 5 something watching the Scottish Referendum ... even the cat has put herself to bed early!