As I walked into the kitchen early one morning a few days ago I spotted a sparrowhawk sitting on the garden fence waiting for breakfast to fly by. It saw me and flew off to the safety of the neighbour's roof so I grabbed the camera. It was obviously wary of me as I zoomed in. A pair of magpies didn't appreciate its company though and soon chased it off. I love seeing hawks. We were especially priviledged last week:
I was in the living room reading but there was a particularly noisy buzzard outside. When I looked it was over the field right outside the house so I shouted Andy and went out for a better view. Suddenly a small hawk began to mob it ... a peregrine. Brilliant! They stayed in view circling each other for quite a few minutes and we were just thinking how luck we had been to see the peregrine when another large bird sailed into view ... an osprey!! Fantastic! I didn't grab the camera so I can't share it with you. Sorry!
The garden is full of yellow marigolds this week.
The cornflowers and verbena add touches of blue and the apples, roses, berries and snapdragons throw in the reds.
I've spent HOURS peeling, coring and cooking apples: the composter is full of damaged fruit and there's still half a tree-full left ... shouldn't complain though!
I'm particularly pleased with the front pond at the moment. The water lilies have gone wild since I worked on that area a few months ago. I will need a machette to get through the leaves soon!
This is what it looked like at the end of June:
The other major change to the garden this month is the new greenhouse:
We haven't got round to ordering the staging yet but there's no rush. As you can see from the blanket the cat has moved in already. She finds it very confusing as the glass is so clean she keeps trying to walk through it! Nothing to worry about, it won't stay like that for long.

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