He had a neat business card and headed note paper. He has carried out work in my mother-in-law's garden and she found him through another satisfied customer. His quotation was acceptable and he started work on Monday.

Three men turned up: the Boss was going to erect a fence and prepare the base for the new greenhouse; the worker's job was to prune the ivy and play with the chain saw and the youngest one was paid to look bored and hold the ladder.
All was going well. By Monday afternoon we had half a fence; half a laurel bush and we could see the brick work round the front door.
Hadn't expected it to look quite THAT naked but I thought I can now repaint the woodwork. That's when I realised he had chopped back the honeysuckle I had grown round the door!! Gutted! I just keep telling myself it will grow back!
Tuesday morning two turned up ... the Boss was taking his sick dog to the vet. By lunch time previously shaded plants were basking in sunshine as the top few feet came off the rowan and lilac trees. Everything seemed fine so we nipped out for lunch ... mistake! The van had gone when we returned and the neighbours were waiting ...
Apparently the young lad had been rude; they had failed to move the van when someone had wanted to turn their car round and the garden waste had been left "all over" the lane.
To be honest there was some mess ... slightly more than I would have liked but a LOT less than there could have been! It would take hours to tidy up every twig after cutting back so many branches so some mess was only to be expected.
Wednesday morning no-one turned up! Andy phoned the Boss. The dog had died. He was too upset to work so they will be back next Tuesday.
The sight of this beautiful Amaryllis cheered me up. I put the house plants outside over summer and this one decided to bloom now instead of waiting until Christmas when it usually flowers.