I spent the weekend in Lytham St Annes with my mother, two sisters and my aunt. My elder sister organises it twice a year so we have a routine ... she arrives first and prepares lunch while I collect the rest of the group and we arrive late!
We enjoyed exploring the shops in Lytham and St Annes and driving across to the Freeport Shopping Complex at Fleetwood. All was going well until Saturday morning when my younger sister discovered she had lost her coat. The only time she would have taken it off was to try on a jacket in Lytham. We drove back there but there was no sign of the coat. She was upset and angry with herself for stupidly leaving it behind and we were upet for her.
On Sunday morning my mother couldn't find her watch. This wasn't unusual as she has Alzheimer's. We searched every pocket and pillowcase but couldn't locate it. It seemed to be one disaster after another but the sun was shining so we headed out for a walk on the beach ... lovely .... then we returned to the car and found the parking ticket! It seems they don't recognise disabled parking badges in that part of Blackpool.
October in Blackpool means The Lights. This year was the centenary. We took the slow drive through and remembered childhood visits in the early 60s. My father and uncle shared a car in those days. A large old Humber with loads of leg room in the back as there were pull down seats behind the front seats (like some old taxis). It meant there was room for my parents and their three kids; my aunt and uncle and their three kids and my grandma to squash in for the annual day trip. We'd spend the day on the crowded beach then stop off at the pub on the way back where we were fed crisps and lemonade in the car while the adults had a few drinks before Dad drove us home! Thank goodness times have changed! However, towards the end of the Light Show we realised some of the installations hadn't ......

It is great to spend time with my sisters. We laugh a lot and talk too much and my eldest sister always wakes up too early and won't let us sleep but we can't complain as she cooks breakfast. I come home pounds heavier as she makes the most delicious meals. The weekend began with another childhood favourite ....
Homemade Minestrone Soup ... brilliant. When I got home I made my own.
'So what has any of this got to do with gardening?' you ask.
Well, I grew all the carrots, onions, potatoes, beans, tomatoes, parsley and sage!
I think mine tasted best!
I drove everyone home on Sunday. The missing coat was on the sofa and the watch was in the bedroom where they had been left before we set off! Unfortunately the traffic warden didn't rescind my parking fine!